Panzer Command Kharkov

In Panzer Command: Kharkov, you play a company-level commander on either the Soviet or German side in the Eastern Front. Preserve your men and defeat the enemy, there is no other way out! Panzer Command: Kharkov is the latest in a new series of 3D turn-based tactical wargames with a campaign mode that takes you from battle to battle with realistic units, tactics and terrain.
System Requirement
Minimum System Requirements
* Windows 98SE, ME, 2000, XP, Vista
* Pentium 1.2 GHz, AMD 2200+
* 256 MB (512 MB for XP)
* DirectX 9 Compatible Video Card
* 64MB (Low texture quality)
* 128MB (Medium texture quality)
* 256MB (High texture quality)
* DirectX 9 Compatible Sound Card
* CD-ROM Drive: Yes, for boxed version installation
* Hard Drive: 550mb
* Internet Explorer 7.0+
* Microsoft DirectX 9.0c (Included)
* Microsoft Managed DirectX (June 2005 – Included)
* Microsoft .NET Framework v1.1 (Included)

Recommended System Requirements
* OS: Windows XP, Vista
* Processor: Pentium or Athlon Multi Core Processor
* RAM: 1GB
* Video Card: GeForce 6800 or newer
* 256MB Video Memory
* Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible

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Password : skallinonedownloads

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